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Do folks do LRGB lunar?


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I've only ever used mono but notice that some folks' lunar images can have some colour in them.

Could I reuse by Baader LRGB that I used for deep sky and redeploy them for Planet/Lunar AP?   I note that some folks use an IR cut instead of the L channel?  Which one? OR is L a waste f time and should just be RGB?  I have a mono high speed camera (ASI 1174).

Many thanks, Steve

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I'm sure they'll work Steve, when I first got the Esprit150 I used my ASI1600 with ZWO RGB on the moon and planets with some success using a 2x extender. I didn't use L as I'd read somewhere that the narrower the band the sharper the image.  Easy enough to experiment though as exposure times are short :) and you can catch the Moon between the clouds.  Have to say though that I didn't spend long doing it that way and went back to mono Moon through Red and planets with a colour camera/ADC as it was easier to process.


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4 hours ago, kirkster501 said:

I note that some folks use an IR cut instead of the L channel?

Do you mean an IR pass filter for the L channel as a normal L filter is UV/IR cut. ? I've used a Baader 685nm IR Pass filter as a luminance which worked well on the moon but was no good for planets with a powermate as the image was too dim and a long exposure was necessary which defeated its purpose. With a larger aperture scope it could do well on planets too. Focusing with a Bahtinov mask was a bit tricky as only very bright stars and longish exposure gave a useable focus pattern.


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