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AZGTi problems


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I've not used my AZGTi for a little while, but have never had any issues with it before, it has always tracked and pointed accurately.

Late night was a lovely clear night (if cold!) so I was hopeful of having a nice session with the Mak on this mount.

I was using it with a Synscan handset and had a GPS mouse connected for location and date/time. I did a two star align a number of times on a variety of stars including Rigel, Betelgeuse, Aldebaran, Polaris and Capella, and each time it said Alignment Successful. However, the Gotos were way off. They seemed roughly accurate in azimuth but altitude was generally way out, either consistently high or low depending on which alignment I had done.

Power wise I was using a CelestronCelestron Lithium 13.2 Ah LiFePO4 Powertank Pro which should be more than up to the job. It was very cold obviously, but skews were fast indicating it was getting plenty of juice.

So, any ideas what I was doing wrong or what could have happened? I've not changed anything so am a bit confused. It's a shame as it somewhat spoiled what could have been a nice night observing, I should have taken my Ercole after all. 

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5 hours ago, LightBucket said:

Off topic I know “we are all scrabbling around in the dark a little” should that be scrambling....or am I missing something 

No idea about the mount, other than maybe time offset gone awry with GPS :)

Scrabbling, scrambling....You say tomato, I say tomato ;)

I think I have found out what I was was doing wrong! I had forgotten the importance of starting from the north level position when initializing! DOH!

Will hopefully prove that when I try it next.

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6 hours ago, NGC 2419 said:

If you are not using one already, I suggest an inexpensive reticle eyepiece also. It greatly improved my  go-to accuracy.


Clear skies!

Thank you for the reminder. I do have one but often don't use it.

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Stu strangely enough i had exactly the same problem, although I did start from AZ set to north star accurately. I use a regulated 12v 10A supply on a RCD so dont think power was issue in my case. (Edit: just rechecked Im referring to AZEQ6...assumed it was same)

Out of interest, do you align with encoders off then switch on? I left on whole time and wonder if that contributed.

Also when i turned to park at home, it was off in alt by about 8 deg.....

Next time going to try couple of adjustments:

- align with encoders off, then turn on and sync to aligment stars

- double check the two alignment stars are within spec as per manual (circa 90deg apart az, in alt circa 15deg separation and between 15-60 deg)



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