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Atik 314l plus, what am i doing wrong.


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1 hour ago, carastro said:

Does this has to be done on a once only occasion, surely not every time you set up a sequence.

I have yet to get dithering to connect to Artemis, but the main reason for this is that Artemis will only dither if you have an Atik guide camera as I found on on speaking to Atik at Kelling last year.  Since I have a working QHY5 I shan't be replacing this until it's reached the end of its life.  so dithering is still in the future.  But good to be prepared.


Just set it up once and you are done. Put the command into each line on the sequencer and save it. When you next bring up the sequencer and tick whichever lines you want for your new sequence, the command will be on any line you tick.

You do not need an Atik guide cam to dither with Artemis so you can start dithering tonight !!!

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Thanks for that info Freddie.


You do not need an Atik guide cam to dither with Artemis so you can start dithering tonight !!!

I tried it about 18 months ago and it did not work, but maybe I didn't put the scripts in properly as I can't remember now.  Anyway i spoke to Atik and they told me it would only work with an Atik guide camera, so have not tried again since.  Maybe it has changed and I need an even later download of Artemis.  Must look into this and take a note of what you have said above. 

Having said that though this will not work with my dual rig, but I don't use that all the time.  


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Oh no!!! I hate learning new software!



I think I am going to contact Atik and ask them to keep an Artemis download available for us dinosaurs. 

I did E Mail them and this is the reply which is good news for the lovers of Artemis.  This is the reply I got from Steve at Atik:

Sadly the world moves on, the language Artemis Capture is written in will one day make it obsolete.  However until that day happens we can keep the software available.


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1 hour ago, carastro said:

I did E Mail them and this is the reply which is good news for the lovers of Artemis.  This is the reply I got from Steve at Atik:


Perhaps it’s just me but I find that response rather condescending.  It says much about the whizz kids behind software of any sort these days....

If their Dusk is anything like their Dawn, then I don’t think Atik will be doing themselves any favours by retiring Artemis, just for the apparent convenience of their software wonks.

I prefer to stick with stuff that I understand and that does everything I want it to, when I want it to.  Apparently that makes me a pitiable dinosaur, whose requirements are to be contemptuously dismissed by my betters.

No wonder people get frustrated with astroimaging and pack it in after fruitless nights battling with incomprehensible and hostile software.  Still, I guess that suits the vendors, who get to sell unnecessarily complex and ever-increasingly expensive software-laden toys to a gradually decreasing number of people who are capable of understanding how to use them.

Rant over.

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Just wondering if Atik would be happy for the folks happily using their soon to be redundant software to make it available to download outside of the Atik website? I always try to keep a copy of older version software for such times when it is no longer available.

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If their Dusk is anything like their Dawn

Absolutely agree - as I said earlier in this thread.  Dawn is quite incomprehensible.  On the whole I should be OK as I have Artemis on a disc, but it's not the latest version, but if I ever got myself into a position of wanting to use the latest version so I can dither with PHD 2, I would need the latest drivers.  Always reluctant to download updates on anything as invariably they take away some things I like.   I am still using PHD1 as it works just fine for my so why do I need to change it?



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You don’t need the latest version to dither using Artemis and PHD as long as it has a sequencer and the system command column. You should be able just to download the script and you would be good to go with whatever old version of Artemis you are using.

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