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ngc 7293


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Hi everyone

Super milky way clear but with the stars bouncing around badly (seeing and transparency?). With this on the meridian dangerously early and patience at an all time low seeing what was rising behind me, this was make or break. Gathered 6 snaps yesterday and 15 today and what a surprise, I had loadsa problems with the colour. Turning to google for reference proved more futile on this target than on most others; there are as many schemes as in the Dulux catalogue.

Anyway, if I can stop looking northeast and turn off ekos' what's interesting window, this has gotta be worth another hour or so.

Thanks for looking and it would be great if you could point us to your colour renditions of the same.

700d + 10" f4.7, 90 minutes @ IOS800


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nice image !  What camera did you shoot it with, I'm guessing a modded DSLR or OSC ?

I reckon there are so many variations of colour on the web since it's got such low surface brightness, and so much of it is in Ha, so it tends to be a narrowband target.  Here are my three renditions:

Bicolour HOO (my favourite):



HaLRGB (think I prefer yours):



and unmodded DSLR !




I agree, you're posting in the wrong forum, don't think you're a beginner any more  ?


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