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Registax problem


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I'm hoping that someone can help with a pretty basic issue I'm getting with Registax. I took some DSLR images of the moon the other evening with the intention of stacking them. There are only a few images as its my first attempt at this. I installed Registax and it all seems to be fairly straight forward until it shows me the stacked image. It doesn't seem to have aligned the images at all, just stacked them 'as is'. Below is an example I've done with just two of the images while playing with settings to try and work out what I've been doing wrong, but for the life of me I can't figure it out. I suspect its a pretty basic setting I'm missing and I'm hoping someone here can say 'press that button and it will sort it'.... here's hoping!


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Yep... I had the same problem when the Moon or planet drifts a lot in the frame... Registrax  is not very good at handling large movement.

I would advise to crop images and centre the moon in each frame before using Registrax ( for example with PIPP). 
Or simply try using AutoStakkert to stack and Registrax for sharpening.

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Hi. I had a similar problem when I tried for the first time a few weeks ago. What camera do you have? I have a Canon so the raw files are CR2. If you install PIPP it can convert raw files to tif, fits, avi etc. It also has another trick up its sleeve. It can centre the moon in the output images. My moon shots showed a gradual drift across the field of view and when I tried to stack I got a blurry image. Tried PIPP again, read through the settings carefully and found where it says to centre the images. There is also a setting for lunar where you tell it which side of the moon has the shadow. In your example it will be top right. Registax worked no problems then after this.


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Thanks all, I'm going to try all of these suggestions and see which one works best for me. The moon does drift around in the frame somewhat so thats probably it. I'm using a Canon 7D for these, but have converted to TIFF so not using RAW.

Is AS!3 Autostakkert?

David - that moon photo is spectacular!


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2 minutes ago, edarter said:

Thanks all, I'm going to try all of these suggestions and see which one works best for me. The moon does drift around in the frame somewhat so thats probably it. I'm using a Canon 7D for these, but have converted to TIFF so not using RAW.

Is AS!3 Autostakkert?

David - that moon photo is spectacular!


yep, it is the same.


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41 minutes ago, edarter said:

Thanks all, I'm going to try all of these suggestions and see which one works best for me. The moon does drift around in the frame somewhat so thats probably it. I'm using a Canon 7D for these, but have converted to TIFF so not using RAW.

Is AS!3 Autostakkert?

David - that moon photo is spectacular!


Thanks! It's 220 frames stacked. 1/1250 at ISO100 I think?! Just to note, when using a lot of frames both Autostakkert and Registax struggle with memory. I had to also resize mine in PIPP.

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Funny you should say that..... Trying Autostakkert now and as soon as I select drizzle (1.5x) the system grinds to a halt. I'm not sure if AS!3 has locked up or not. Its sat there buffering with used memory stated as 3835 and available 171MB. I've got a corei7 with 16Gb RAM, I thought that would be more than enough. Do I just leave it for a while and see if it works? I should add that without drizzle enabled it worked fine.

I wonder if its because the app is 32 bit though..... is there a 64bit version available? I can't see one.

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35 minutes ago, edarter said:

Funny you should say that..... Trying Autostakkert now and as soon as I select drizzle (1.5x) the system grinds to a halt. I'm not sure if AS!3 has locked up or not. Its sat there buffering with used memory stated as 3835 and available 171MB. I've got a corei7 with 16Gb RAM, I thought that would be more than enough. Do I just leave it for a while and see if it works? I should add that without drizzle enabled it worked fine.

I wonder if its because the app is 32 bit though..... is there a 64bit version available? I can't see one.

Beta only


strange... 32bit ver never froze on mine 5i 8Gb ram :)

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hmm... so if I knock down the percentage of frames to be used from 75% to 35% it handles the drizzle ok. There are only 10 frames in total anyway so I wouldn't have thought it would tax the system that much. 
Anyway, have played around with AS!3 and got it to work, then put the resulting image in Regstax to denoise it. Reasonably happy with the result but there still seems to be a lot of noise in there. An artefact of so few frames I guess. Here it is, Canon EOS 7D, 100-400mk1 lens @ 400mm. Top 35% frames of 10 stacked.

Now to play with PIPP and see what the results from that are like!

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