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Nothing groundbreaking, just a few hours over two sessions with the Bresser Dob, enjoying some familiar sights.

Yesterday evening, dark, clear - got Mirach in the Rigel then just tilted the 'scope upwards and found M31 - clearer x64.  Back to Mirach, then down this time.  Got the pair SAO 54687/9 at about "7 o'clock" in the 2 degree FOV, putting M33 at about "12 o'clock", but there was no sign of the elusive galaxy.

I then aimed the Rigel at the region containing the Double Cluster C14 and easily pinned it down to enjoy some time with one of my all-time favourite objects.

This morning after 5am it was again clear and fairly dark, and there were fewer sources of stray light about, so out came the Bresser again.  Welcome back OrionM42 was a treat as ever, looking slightly more detailed with the UHC filter.  The Trapezium's stars became less sharp at x127, so the seeing was not great.

Pleiades - another familiar yet always lovely sight.

To finish, I again pointed the Rigel in the approximate region containing M81/82, and very easily landed on target, clear yet faint, and both seen together of course, M82 showing its characteristic elongation.  The two were a little clearer in the better contrast at x64.

After packing up, I spotted the beautiful slim crescent waning Moon low in the east.

Spending time with these popular objects is always satisfying.  On to some new ground over the coming weeks.......



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Nice work Doug. You did more than me last night. Had a quick look at Mars for about 10mins or so last night with my small ‘frac at about x160 and my Mars filter. Could see a little more detail, and a hint of the polar cap, but not much else. Other than that I wasn’t in an Astro mood last night at all. ;) 

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1 hour ago, Demonperformer said:

Old friends are the best.

Yes DP - like good music, you never tire of them!


18 minutes ago, Knighty2112 said:

Nice work Doug. You did more than me last night. Had a quick look at Mars for about 10mins or so last night with my small ‘frac at about x160 and my Mars filter. Could see a little more detail, and a hint of the polar cap, but not much else. Other than that I wasn’t in an Astro mood last night at all. ;) 

Thanks Gus, and Yes - the mood comes and goes doesn't it?  Only to be expected.  Seeing Orion again after many months is what fired me up for the early morning session, and having all the gear at hand in the new Dobhouse makes me more inclined to get out!


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The matched pair I referred to which were a marker about 2 deg away from the site of M33 is in fact (according to the wonderful CDSA) a triple (O Sigma 30) in Pisces which has two matched components about 57" apart (which I saw), and a further faint and close component (which I didn't, because I wasn't looking).  

Next time I try for M33, I shall also look out for that third component.  Should be manageable.

Isn't this a fascinating hobby?


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