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The Wall in NGC7000


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I recently finished capturing data for a bi-colour image of the wall in NGC7000. It's taken about a month, which I suppose isn't that bad all things considered!

As I'm sure you're aware, this is one of the brighter regions in the 1700 lightyear-distant North American Nebula. Although huge (estimated 100 lightyears across), NGC7000 is believed to be mostly 'lit up' by a single giant star HD 199579, also known as Miro's Diamond. You could call the nebula V37 if you wish, as Herschel designated it #37 in his 'V' catalogue when he discovered it - the 'V' standing for Very large :)

The image is a bi-colour, 2-panel mosaic with total integration time of around 13.5 hours. Processing is just curves in Photoshop with a star layer to prevent star bloat, especially in Oiii, with which the Baader filter gives a few halos on the brighter stars. I don't know if I've combined the layers in a sensible manner, I just pasted the Oiii in to the green and blue layers then tweaked it down a bit in the green. I was aiming for roughly 'natural-ish' looking colours, although it looks massively different on my two monitors. Any feedback on that is appreciated.

Thanks for looking!

Hα: 2x24x600s
Oiii: 2x17x600s

Optics: MN190
Camera: 460ex
Mount: AP Mach1GTO
Guding: Orion mini 50mm guidescope & QYH5L-ii

[direct link]


You may not like the colour combination, but if you're interested here are the separate channels so you can see the difference between hydrogen and oxygen





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Not having much other data to play with, I thought I'd reprocess this. I've only done the Hα as this is clearly the best data - perhaps I'll get some improved Oiii in the future.

I've uploaded a larger image and also flipped it the right way around (looks weird after staring at it in reverse for so long!) Maybe it's not that different now I compare, but the stars are improved I think?

Here's the direct link to the large size image: The NGC7000 Wall in Hα


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