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first telescope + mount

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hello i want to start in deep sky astrophotography but i can´t decide witch of these telescopes i should buy first (I don´t want to start with something to basic to avoid any limitations in the future)

-Explore Scientific Maksutov-Newton telescope MN 152/740 OTA

-Explore Scientific Apochromatic refractor AP 80/480 ED Alu OTA

-Orion Ritchey-Chretien RC 152/1370 Astrograph OTA

-William Optics Apochromatic refractor AP 61/360 ZenithStar 61 Golden OTA

my current camera is a canon 700D/t5i (non-modified)

and the mount will be one of those 3 

-Celestron Mount AVX GoTo 

-Orion Atlas EQ-G Mount (this one is very expensive to me but if i really need i can buy)

-Skywatcher Mount HEQ-5 Pro SynScan GoTo

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1 minute ago, Sunshine said:

What sort of mount will you be using, and what are your main AP interests, deep sky or planetary? this may help users guide you better.

sorry for the low precision , i want to do deep sky ap and the mount has to be an goto eq 


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Hey there.

Is this your first time entering into astronomy/astrophotography? Have you started by doing any observing with a previous telescope? Venturing into deep sky astrophotography  can be hugely rewarding but taking the correct and careful steps will make life so much easier in the long run. I don't want to sound patronising in any way but do you have a clear area where you can set up this scope in order to take photographs? Do you have an apropriate place to store the telescope? Will moving house be an possible/probable option in the long run? Do you have a suitable computer which can handle deep sky imagery? Have you accounted for the possible cost of deep sky processing software? Do you have the time to take these images? I'm  only sharing these with you because some of  these were problems I encountered when I got bitten by the astronomy bug and caused unnecessary hassle. I started astronomy with a small telescope, then gradually selling off my old equipment and buying new kit until I got where I am now. Jumping into the deep end with no previous experience can be a very steep learning curve. I understand how you want to get straight into it with a big telescope but it can be dangerous financially and  making a significant investment into a good telescope/mount and and then getting little use out of it. 

Anyway, just a bit of advice. Deep sky astrophotography is one of the most satisfying hobbies in my opinion!

Hope you find the right telescope for you whatever the approach.


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