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Ubuntu - Indi - it aint just Windows with problems


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Ok I do my check on Indi every 3 mths to see how things are progressing - for me Canon DSLR support - Sorry I want it.

Any how thought I would use Ubuntu 18.04 Mate LTS instead of 16.04. This install was on my trusty Amd 64bit 8gb desktop - work horse for testing.

Well it started great I was actually able to use my Canon 100d under Kstars/Indi and it seemed to work - even long exposures - that's a first !

"Getting somewhere I thought" - ok I will now just install VNCSERVER - oh dear thats a mistake it installed ok and started up but the next time I booted !

The dreaded login loop started (my password was ok as I could login on a basic terminal ctrl Alt F1 etc) - I say dreaded because after doing some digging its a very common problem(BUG) with no simple resolution - What was the Ubuntu line "Use 18.04 - recommended for stability and mission critical systems" - that's a good one.

So I trashed that as after wasting 2 hrs looking for a solution that works ( a lot seem guesses that didn't) I trashed the 18.04 and will be loading 16.04 and hoping the DSLR behaves the same way as that is an Indi update not Ubuntu (I hope).

So for all those Windows kickers  - Community Linux/Indi (more the Linux bit) is no bed of roses either but the Linux community support is poor (initially anyway !) for problems . Cant moan it is free !

Roll on George I O/S resurrection ?

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1 hour ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

just install XRDP, then use the standard remote desktop client.....

Doesn't make any difference its not VNC that causes the problem apparently on 18.04  - but thanks ?. Plus  I trashed 18.04 and went back to 16.04 and shock DSLR Canon seems to  work - subject to real testing.

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OK 16.4 remote desktop doesn't cause the same problems - see screen print.

Hhhmmmmm - perhaps I will go the next step for my grab and go - just need a fastish Mini PC 12v 4gb ssd etc - I wont be going RPI3 is too slow in past trials I have done - Someone said they were using Rock64 wonder how they are getting on ?


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With all the different hardware & application requirements etc (server\workstation) what you see'ish may look the same, but the underneath can be radically different, resulting in very different systems. Even though Microsoft wanted a common base with the Cairo development system, which even had a true database for a file system (WinFS) but was quietly dropped into the bin of history.

As for Stash's requirement for a Pi alternative, I've experimented with an Odroid XU4 (which worked well, but now re-purposed), and am in the process of building a system based around a Rock64, where on the bench all works, just need to shoehorn it into and enclosure with SSD's, USB 2 & 3 hubs, Arduino focuser\heaters etc...


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If your not in your normal environment it is always difficult.  For me Windows user, Linux starts to work, but yesterday and today I spend most time on RDP and VNC.

First I think Lubuntu or any flavour with LXDE is much faster then e.g. Ubuntu and Windows users will feel quicker at home.  At the moment I use Lubuntu 18.04

For remote control from my house to garden shed, I went yesterday from xRDP to VNC, to Teamviewer, all failed! RDP worked but got a blank screen . Finally discovered that I had to give access to anybody in a config file :(.  With RDP working, I noticed RDP opens a NEW session and I like to have the observatory screen and inside home the same, so I can walk outside control local the running programs. So RDP is not the solution. Finally I got Teamviewer working and that's for me the way to go.

Then I was struggling with INDI drivers and found that USB-focus driver v0.9 works for me and not v1.0 :(

It is an adventure, but I had similar problems of equal significance  in Windows some time ago. If you have mastered the initial problems it will work reliable. Win10 behaviour and even Microsoft poking in Win7 makes me unhappy, so I'm slowly pushed to Linux.


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