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Mysterious Moon and the milky way (story-mode activated) (2018-07-27)


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(Scroll down for the cool pictures.)

Unfortunately, my soul mate and lovely wife doesn't share my passion for the stars. The more happy I was when she came out to the roof top and started to look through the telescope (or maybe she was looking for lower temperatures outside, she didn't tell me exactly). All the apps and forecasts were telling us that the moon was already over the horizon, but our site has a small hill covering up exactly the point were all the planets and also the moon show up when the night begins. So, we were sitting there and waiting for more than 20 minutes, when finally a red disk appeared. It was barely visible since it was so dark, so we had to look really long until our eyes adopted and revealed the beautiful colors.

Since the sky was still very bright and a small music event nearby produced lots of light pollution, we decided to switch to the Canon EOS 1200D:


TA TA TA TA TA TA TA TA TA (Star Wars theme playing)

The glowing death star made its way up to the sky, and since it got darker every minute, more and more people started to see the disk, shouting and being amazed.

An older women next to my site really had a huge smile on her face when she saw why we were taking so many pictures:


And there it was, beautiful and evil looking at the same time (very short exposure time, which makes the sky look much darker than it really was):


The picture above was taken with a 135mm lense (Canon 1200D). Using my 8'' Newton, it looked like this:


Wow, what a picture! Only a short time later my wife saw Mars coming up, adding something romantic to the scenery:


Back to my cam and a 50mm lense:


Ok, maybe try to get the old castle ruin, the blood moon and Mars on the same picture?


How cool is that?

Suddenly, the Moon started to show a very bright glow at the left edge, announcing that earth's core shadow is being left:


Short time later, the red glow was gone, and a very bright Luna disk appeared:



What a great event this was, I was really thankful that we were able to see something beautiful and amazing thing like this.

My wife wondered what I was doing when she switched back to the eye piece, looking at the moon directly.

Well, I used the dark sky and managed to shoot a part of the milky way over a very light polluted city. This was possible since the moon was fully covered by earth's core shadow:



Thanks for reading!

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