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Travel telescope for trip to Tenerife

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July  2018 sees another trip to Tenerife with friends from the Basingstoke Astronomy Society Exped Group.  I had such a great time last year I can not wait to return again. Super excited.

From Tenerife, the planets will be high in the sky, the summer milky way will be glorious and there are a reasonable hours of darkness (unlike home where it isn’t getting dark at all!). 

A key question is what equipment to take.  We have access to a telescope which is fantastic for observing the planets but it is always well utilised by the group.  While I would love to fill my boots it wouldn’t be fair to use it exclusively so I am taking my 6” Maksutov and a tracking mount (all second hand) along with my binoculars, camera, eyepieces, sketching equipment etc.  I paid extra for my flight so I can take a hand-carry suitcase.  This means I can take all my delicate optics with my in the cabin while the heavier, more robust tripods, extension cable etc can go in the hold.

I made a short video of how it all goes together here:


and a brief blog post here:



Super excited! Dark skies above the light pollution and I have my binoculars, telescope and camera with me.


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Sounds very exciting. I’m off to tenerife this summer to catch mars and the summer Milky Way. My current plan is to take either a tv85 or a 100mm Tak using an az gti Mount.

If you are happy to provide more details on where you are observing, I’d find that very helpful?

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Hi Gav

I’ll bet the views through those scopes will be lovely. We are very fortunate to have access to the observatory complex through the club to the Director. 

There are several lay-bys and pull ins on the summit road you can use although I’m not sure which is best. 

Have a lovely trip in the meantime. 


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first off, enjoy your vacation !

This evening we also leave for France, and i'm packing my SW Skymax 127 GTI, not Tenerife, but the sky can't be worse than at home, I hope to catch the lunar eclipse on the 27th.

I'm a bit bummed not being able to pack the EQ6R and C11, but i would need two cars then ?

Anyway, the Skymax 127 will also give me great views i'm sure.

Clear skies !

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8 hours ago, MarkRadice said:

It seems everyone’s off on hols where the skies will get dark and the planets aren’t skirting the horizon. 

I'm only going from 50°56' to 44°44', but sundown is already half an hour sooner ?

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