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Dance of the Seven Veils......

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Over the last couple of clear nights, although the Moon has been pretty much full,  I have been putting my recently acquired ATIK 414ex Mono through its paces.

The Veil  ( NGC 6960 ) is a great target, and so I thought I would give ALL   my  current filters a quick blast at it,  funnily enough I have seven of them.... L,R,G,B,Ha,Oiii and Sii.

I have previously imaged with a modded DSLR and was a little unsure of how much a mono camera could bring to the table. 

Hopefully the next couple of graphics will display it's potential to any new imagers out there.


The Seven Veils.


The Dance......


The scope was an Orion Optics  150mm F4 Newtonian on a belt modded HEQ5 with Lacerta Mgen guider.




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That's an interesting comparison, certainly shows the power of NB to get a usable image under less than ideal conditions.

Like the SHO image. Done similar myself but with [NII] substituting for [SII].

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 @DaveS...... an Nii filter.??...... I may need to check that out.   That would then be the 'eightfold way'  !!!!

@MarsG76 .......  Yes, the Hubble is the poster shot,  'real'  yet at the same time 'unreal'.

@tooth_dr  ........  the new camera is great.   Can't wait til the dark nights come around  and get some of smaller galaxies in RGB.  There are quite a few to choose from.

                            How's your ATIK  getting along ?  Last I heard, you had a glass of red wine in hand whilst making preliminary calibrations !!

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The [NII] filter is a bit "special". The HII and [NII] lines are so close together that you need 3nm Astrodons to separate them (And even then there's about 15% overlap), wider bandwidth filters just lump them together.

Make sure you're sitting down before checking how much 3nm Astrodons cost :eek:.

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3 hours ago, DaveS said:

Make sure you're sitting down before checking how much 3nm Astrodons cost :eek:.

Blimey !! ........   that's the same price per filter as all my  seven put together.

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Yep, which is why I won't be buying any more, the 4 I have already were bad enough at £385 each when I bought them back in '15, they're now even sillier money.

When I buy more filters (Possibly 2" for a 16200 cam) they'll be Astronomik 6nm, together with the matching LRGB set.

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