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Computer on Ebay


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Hi everyone,

Just to let people know in case they're interested I've just put a computer on ebay for sale. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5227061953 It's a really nice looking machine and super small as well, ideal to use as a personal video recorder type machine.

Anyway, if people are interested then let me know and I could always take it off ebay and sell it directly.



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Yeah it's a really nice looking unit, I wish I could find an excuse to keep it but I barely switch it on, I've realised that one computer is enough for me.... I just like to have 'toys' to be honest, I can see me getting the same way about scopes and I don't even have one yet!

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Yes i know i could have made the previous two messages one but i need to increase my post count.

Oh and i just added another by doing this reply - ace!

And i've got a top tip from Rob too, which i'll be using to good effect.


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Yeah we spoke on the pjoe about that the other day! My problem is that I'm going to hav no cash till we moce which is going to be mid - end Oct. And even then I'm going to have enough trouble gett the HEQ5 Skyscan past jane (if that even possible) let alone PC aas well...


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