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M63 Sunflower Galaxy


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Slowly starting to get my head around Pixinsight, but at my age I seem to forget more than I remember, good job I have a good mates to guide me along the way, thanks to @Toxophilus and @peter shahI did this over 5 nights between 13th May and the 18th, often going to bed at 04:30 in the morning, I had lots of headaches in between with star trails and problems guiding which we think we have traced to a wobbly focuser on the ST80 guide camera.

To the elite imagers on here..I can only aspire to be 5% as good as you, one day...

Acquisition Details: -

15L @ 600s
16R @ 600s
10G @ 600s
9B @ 600s

I live about 6 miles North of Wolverhampton and about 10 miles south of Stafford
, so light pollution is a pain in the butt.

Processed in PI with a tweak in PS CC to get rid of the remnants of the gradients, this was taken with my 8" RC/383 combo, not perfect by any means, but so much better than a year ago.

I'm regularly getting some gradients that are proving very difficult to shift, the strange thing is that they are only on the Lum and Red as clipped below and are not very evident in the single images, only the combined, anyone have any thoughts?

Thanks for viewing, C&C welcome. ?




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7 hours ago, Ben the Ignorant said:

Nice pic. My screen is on nighttime mode, it makes the galaxy orange! It's strange but somehow makes it contrasty and outlandish; I understand imagers want true colors but false colors are also revealing and entertaining.

I need to try that Ben ?

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