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GRS finally 5/25

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First time capturing grs and can actually make it out.  ASI120mmS, c11, mini efw, roi 640/480, 60s each rgb, winjupos derotation, stacked as3, aligned in nebulocity, touches in ps.  Bright moon interfered a bit, some brief moments to get few good frames.  During capture usb3 cord (thin type) came with asi120mmS wasn't working properly, would only capture frames sporadically.  Swapped it with thick style usb3 cord and problem went away thankfully.  Clear imaging.


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14 hours ago, Freddie said:

Nice. You can capture for longer than 60 secs especially if using Winjupos. What are you aligning in Nebulocity?

Trying different gain/exposure settings, have limited time between trees.  Adjusted gain higher than ever have before, figured it would not turn out but was surprised it turned out as good or better than previous lower gain/higher exposures ive used.  Nebulocity has most accurate auto color balance of any program ive tried, as for aligning (non steller), was just playing around with it to see if it worked. Worked fine, but I did read your post how Winjupos aligns better. 

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I too have "tree trouble" when the planets are as low as they are from the UK.

Well worth looking at aligning the R, G and B in WinJUPOS as it will also derotate as part of the combine process so should be better than Neb.

Registax also has a nice RGB colour balance tool if you haven't had a go with that yet.

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