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I'm slowly getting the hang of Winjupos, but I still find it very hard to be sure my frame calibrations are spot on, I'm sure I am losing details - I'm certainly seeing my moons disappear or smear!

Also I am finding derotating RGB separately and keeping everything logically organised very hard, especially as it seems to 'forget' where to keep the IMS files.

Does anyone have a link to an RGB workflow?

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I know what you mean by it being tedious, but personally, for now, I just grin and bare it... manually generating all IMS files seperately... I too am new to WinJupos and de-rotation usage so I also have a lot to learn.

It would be great if there was a batch processing feature since lining out the planets doesn't change from frame to frame in the sequence, so I'm sure it's possible. 

There is a file naming format that apparently WinJupos uses to automatically input the capture time and date data to generate the IMS files, Fire Capture has an option to automatically name captured files with the WinJupos naming format.

The file naming is something that I'm trying to research.


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Thanks for the suggestions, I'll follow them up

10 hours ago, MarsG76 said:

The file naming is something that I'm trying to research.

It's mystery, it keeps the 'PIPP' appended automatically to my filenames, but deletes the R,G and B I added manually. I wonder if using a dash instead of a space to append them will stop this?

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