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Shadow Spires, and lots of 'em


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I was observing in between images last night and the shadows cast off the Caucasus mountains were impressive so I captured this image as a record. Some of them are about 150km long!

I decided to capture Serenitatis as well to get a record of all the little sub 10km craters. The smallest identifiable in this image being (just about, if you squint) Posidonius W at 3.01km

1000 of 5000 frames. processed the usual way but with the addition of a gradient adjustment to enhance contrast on the terminator and emphasise those lovely shadows.



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1 minute ago, RichM63 said:

I think that we should go there. 'just to make sure' as it were...

Cracker, John. (what rig?)

Tickets are all booked, we leave first thing tomorrow. :)

Skymax 102 and the Nikon as always (Actually the earlier daytime full disks (or should that be full quarters?) were with the frac)

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T/Brush packed + Towel. :)

Meet mid Channel and OFF.

Cheers, I need to look into a lensed telescope to replace one of the Newt setups, but I've just had a couple of heavy purchases that were not totally planned for.

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3 hours ago, RichM63 said:

T/Brush packed + Towel. :)

Meet mid Channel and OFF.

Cheers, I need to look into a lensed telescope to replace one of the Newt setups, but I've just had a couple of heavy purchases that were not totally planned for.

Glad you know where your towel is!

i love my frac. But I think I may love my mak more. 

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