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purchasing Celestron Astromaster 130EQ and accessories

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Hi Everyone,
I am new to any astronomy equipments but I am fan of astronomy
I am planning to purchase celestron astromaster 130eq telescope along with 2x barlow lens, image erector prism and one zoom eyepiece.
Anybody can suggest that this combination can be used at once and get usable result to see the land view at day with zooming capability and in night I want to use it without erector prism for viewing planets and other objects.
Following are the link of the items

celestron astromaster 130EQ

Erector prism

Zoom Eyepiece

Barlow lens 

Thanks in Advance.

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Just make sure it's not the bird Jones type. This has a fixed lens in the focuser and is a pain in the neck. And would make your barlow unusable. The skywatcher 130/900 might be  a better option imo. That said if it's not the bird Jones type it's a great little scope.

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I just want to know about the combination. My budget is just enough to purchase this set, and just want what is its performance. In future I will upgrade to other scope if I got more interest and budget allows. I have googled and made some list of scopes with prices and some specs, then I made decision to take this one. plz see my list may be it will help for some one of you.


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I would also advise against getting this telescope. The red dot finder is just a joke and you would find that the manual controls are always fouling each other in use requiring you to swap the cables round depending on which way you are looking. I believe the supplied erecting unit is an eyepiece type rather than a diagonal prism.  

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Thanks Varley, 

Thanks Peter, 

I would google your recommended products, and try to find out its availability. I am Here in DUBAI, I got only one shop where I saw variety of astronomical products, its online site is tog.ae. Please give some ideas which one here is good for beginner like me.



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Welcome to SGL.

I have looked at your spreadsheet and the TOG website. It would seem that TOG do not sell Skywatcher products, otherwise I would suggest the Heritage 130p flextube as a good starter telescope. Many years ago, I bought the Astromaster 130EQ-MD, the "MD" adds a crude motor drive to give you automated tracking (if you can get the speed correct). I found the equatorial mount heavy, and as Peter noted, the red dot finder is useless (I added a 6x30 finder scope), and the controls difficult to get right.

An equatorial mount is not user-friendly for visual observing, as it places the eyepiece in different positions as you rotate the mount - not obvious from the publicity photos. You are much better starting with an azimuth/altitude mount; it is much more intuitive for a first 'scope.

Looking at your spreadsheet, I would go for the Astromaster 130 AZ. It has the same OTA (Optical Tube Assembly) as the EQ version (different paint colour), with, unfortunately, the useless red dot finder, but has reasonable optics, and the money that you save will pay for a better finder, and some extra eyepieces.

A x2 Barlow will give you the equivalent of a 5mm eyepiece when used with the 10mm. I would also suggest a 32mm Plossl eyepiece for wider views of the larger star groups. I would delay getting a zoom eyepiece until you are more familiar with using the 'scope with fixed eyepieces.


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Thanks Lister,

Really feel thankful you reviewed my list. I think tog.ae has limitation with celestron and other few brand. I will try to find the one you recommended. I want to know can whether we produce a useful and viewable image using this celestron astromaster 130EQ or AZ at least to view terrestrial views using all three accessories (image erector, barlow and eyepiece). I am having doubt that if we use all these items we will have very less exit pupil. I calculated it as only 0.8 mm if we put high magnification like 162x. want to know how much exit pupil is useful to view in such magnification?

Thanks again.

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