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m46 & NGC 2437


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At last a clear night 3 nights ago Hurry for a short while, now awaiting next clear night

Finally got to image one of my favourite open clusters with NGC 2437 in Puppis.  Skirting over the neighbours roof ! 

This image has being cropped

Telescope - 102mm APO ES refractor on a AVX mount

Camera- Canon 450d unmoded iso800 with a Astronomik CLS filter. ISO800

Duration 57mins   - 60s lights., Darks, flats and bias frames also taken

Guided with PHD2 and processed in PS

Of course improvement advice much appreciated :)

Thanks for looking 



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Yes, very nice Dean!

I notice that the stars down to the left are not perfectly round which suggest that you may have some tilt between the camera and scope (or are using it without a field flattener). That nebula is indeed a very small thing although is is apparent enough in your image. Any plan to aim your 8" SCT on it?

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13 hours ago, wimvb said:

Love it! Is that planetary nebula part of the cluster, or does it just happen to be in the same patch of sky?

Cheers Wim, I think where getting there slowly! One day will bite the bullets and go mono route with filters

Apparently the star cluster is 5400ly away (further from Sweden :) ), and the planetary nebula is 2900ly away. Both also moving at different velocities. It just so happens that they are currently in the same line of "sight"


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5 hours ago, gorann said:

Yes, very nice Dean!

I notice that the stars down to the left are not perfectly round which suggest that you may have some tilt between the camera and scope (or are using it without a field flattener). That nebula is indeed a very small thing although is is apparent enough in your image. Any plan to aim your 8" SCT on it?

Cheers Gorann. No i dont have a field flattener at the moment. Will check Camera fittings and alignment. 

Thats a good plan for next year to aim the 8" at it. Hopefully guiding has improved a lot by then :) 

As for short time i am preparing for Leo galaxies, they should be appearing over the neighbours roof soon! 


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