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IC 443 ... Jellyfish Nebula


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After dodging endless nights of thick clouds and rain for the last few weeks I have managed to get some of the longest duration subs that I have done so far to see how my system copes.

The attached image is of IC 443 .. "The Jellyfish Nebula" ... images being taken over three widely spaced evenings.

I managed to get 12 x 1200 sec CLS subs and 7 x 300 sec RGB subs. The subs were calibrated and stacked in MaximDL and processed in Photoshop.

I have to spend quite a lot of time trying to control the overpowering bloating of the large star at the bottom of the image (Eta Geminorum) but this is the best that I could get so far.

My night sky here in Nottinghamshire is not good at the best of times but I am reasonably happy with my results so far.

Any suggestions that will help me produce clearer images in the future would be welcomed as always :-)


IC443 Dxx.jpg

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Hi. Excellent shot. I think all poor weather imagers deserve an enormous pat on the back. 

26 minutes ago, SlimPaling said:

help me produce clearer images

The only thing I can think of (very much non-expert) is that there's a lot of information missing. It's as if you've cut the histogram in half by setting black in the middle of the data. I think with the other half intact, you'd have more detail. HTH.


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Hi ... what you have all said is interesting. I must admit I wasn't taking a lot of notice of the histogram when I was trying to get the star bloat of Eta Geminorum under some sort of control.

Looking back at a previous processing effort (see attached) I can see that the histogram is not clipped so badly .... but Eta Geminorum is over powering :-( That's when I started to "play" with things.

I have lost track on what I did after this to cause the histogram to be so clipped.


IC443 D.jpg

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By doing a bit of "cutting & pasting" I have now combined the best of two versions and managed to retain the unclipped histogram (see below) .... I think this version is as good as I am going to get it .... for the time being anyway :icon_confused:


IC443 D.jpg

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