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Babage and South


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Babage and South
On a night of mediocre seing, only one capture was saved, yet our view of the formations near the lunar northwest limb is not due to other places on the Moon.
Both Babage and South due to their sizes are considered walled plains. In fact they are very old craters almost completely destroyed and submerged in the events that occurred in later times.
Babage with its 143 km in diameter was totally corroded and modified by the multitude of subsequent impacts, until all that remained was that ring of rounded hills that can be seen sublime in this photo made at extremely low angle of illumination.
In its floor we can perceive numerous other craters being that the greater is Babage A that with its 32 km of diameter could very well be named like an independent crater.
South a crater of 104 km in diameter underwent an even greater degradation process than Babage being that of its edge only remained a few hills located to the south and the most prominent section located to the northwest in the border with Babage. It was a crater totally flooded by lava having its floor level and no prominent features.
"Look at the Moon with other eyes!" That's what my friend Chuck Woods always says, so why not start here?
Text: Avani Soares

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