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Coping with wind & imaging?


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Tonight I went out with my Star Adventurer, hoping to try out some longer exposures of southwest orion (M42 & hopefully bringing out witch's head) but taking a 3 min exposure I found what looked a little like star trails. Checked my alignment and that was OK. Upon getting back to the computer and checking the photos close-up I see it's not trails but wobbly halos around stars where the wind has wobbled my camera about.

The tripod seems stable, all the locks were tightened up but I couldn't stop it wobbling. What techniques should I employ to help with wind? Is the umbrella mightier than the beach tent?

Could have been a great night's imaging otherwise :/ forecast says it's ~17mph winds atm.


Any advice greatly appreciated :) cheers.

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You could try hanging a weight off the bottom of the tripod to make it a little more sturdy,
if you are setting up on soft ground/grass you could try putting up a wind break, should help to protect from wind,

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33 minutes ago, JemC said:

You could try hanging a weight off the bottom of the tripod to make it a little more sturdy,
if you are setting up on soft ground/grass you could try putting up a wind break, should help to protect from wind,

If I used the dovetail & counterweight for the Star Adventurer I might be able to prevent the wind blowing it so much? Currently it'sjust tripod -> wedge -> SA -> ballhead -> camera, leaving out the wedge & counterweight.

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Sorry to hear your predicament. If you can, add a weight to the tripod to make it more sturdy. You could make/buy a wind break. I've used one for a few years now made from some timber and weed suppressant fabric and bolted together which fits over a fence and gate. I now use it with my Star Adventurer to cut out the chill winds blowing from the North-North East.




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