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Putting the CCD to bed?


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I have recently bought a Celestron CCD which has modest fan-assisted cooling to -20C ambient, a mechanical shutter, and a IR cut window over the CCD.

I doesn't have a dessicant chamber.

What procedure would you recommend for warming it up and avoiding condensation after use?


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Mine live on a permanent setup in the Obsy. The cool down/warm up is controlled by MaximDL / ACP, basically its scripted to cool down in stages so as not to form ice or shock & the same with the warm up. Other than that I run a dehumidifier in the Obsy.

I think if its a portable setup you're using then you'll want to cool down slowly enough that ice doesn't form & then warm up gently enough to avoid thermal shock, over a few minutes should be enough. I'd have thought storing in a low humidity not necessary a warm environment would be sufficient. If its soaking wet after use then yes you'll want to dry it out first.

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Thanks  Spaced

I've only used it once and it went down to -20 quite quickly, when the rain stops :-} I'll try again but take it down in longer steps.

Warming up I switched off cooling and put the fan on high to clear moist air?


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5-10 minutes as a cool down and warm up time is reasonable.  I run my 16200 down to -15 and use a 10 minute cool and warm cycle.  I cool on connect, so by the time I'm ready to image I'm cooled, and then the warm up starts as soon as the last image has completed.  I don't think it's a recommended method to just shut off the cooling without warming up.

For storage, as long as it is dry and well ventilated it should be fine.  It's not a bad idea to as @andyboy1970 does and store it with a bit of desiccant just to help with any moisture.  You can get desiccant bags very cheaply on Amazon.

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Should say my CCD is older with no controls for the cooling (to -30 below ambient) so I remove it from the scope and put it in the garage (Where it lives) to cool naturally rather than bring it into the house.

If I go to my darksite I drive there (22 miles away) with the heating in the car turned to cold and coming home I only just have a little bit of heat on.

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