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2017-12-16 - Another sketch of the Pleiades


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Here is a small report of my small observation tonight. A very cold one, -13 Celcius with a clear sky (I take what I have available, a clear sky is rare these days) The seeing average, transparency average too. My first goal was to find Uranus but I could not achieve that goal, Pisces was camouflaged in heavy light pollution making the stars difficult to locate with naked eye. 

After perhaps 30 minutes of searching for Uranus I gave up and swiped the telescope at the Pleiades. Then decided to sketch at -13 :blink: (for the sake of packing the gear with a realization, at least)

I am listening to the Beatles White Album CD-1 while doing this, it's warm and pleasant.

A souvenir of this cold observation, hope it will inspire a bit.
200x1000 Newtonian, ES 34mm, 29x power, 68d AFOV, 2.2d TFOV


Now it's time to look at the sketching section myself and enjoy your sketches too, give a few likes.


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11 hours ago, Richard Hather said:

Lovely sketch, one of my favourite targets.

I was out in -3 conditions and though that was cold enough ?

I managed a 4 hour session and couldn’t take anymore ?

4 hours that's a very good session at -3 Celcius. I miss these temperatures. My favorite range of temperature would be around 4 to 10 Celcius range, usually the sky has less humidity in it, the mosquitoes are frozen, it's not to hard for the gear, not too tough for me to handle either.


10 hours ago, Dave In Vermont said:

Well done N3p! Totally clouded-out here in Podunk. Tomorrow looks better.



It's not interesting here too... clouds most of the time.


Thanks, I was a pleasure to spend the time doing it after all, I feel happiness this morning, astronomy and sketching are my number 1 antidepressant therapy, probably better then the pills themselves. (Although I never tried any pills for that matter, thank god)


Ah and also, I have to say it again.. my telescope the BKP 200 DS with the large 2" explore scientific 34mm is a perfect match, I love these 2 together do much, they are incredible!

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