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Astro Tortilla


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Hi all

I have found a great tutorial on setting this up which im in the process of doing on Light Vortex Astronomy blog.Just wondering one thing at this early stage of getting my gear working.

You have to download the narrowest and widest index files for Fov. I only intend to use an Ed80 pro with Atik 314l mono so input this in to Fov on Sky at night to get these figures.Do i need to take in to account the guiding camera aswell (QHY5ii mono) which i would be using with sharp cap and then PHD or is plate solving on AT dealing solely with imaging camera and scope, in this case through Armetis Capture.Just trying to think this through before getting in a muddle outside.



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Artemis doesn't work with Astrotortilla, you'll have to download APT (astrophotography tool).  I usually plate solve with Astrotortilla and APT then close them and image via artemis. 

No you don't need to take into account your guide setup, just the FOV of your scope and ccd.


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Ok..thank you.Very helpful.I just keep wondering if is possible with Sharp cap as  the first thing i will  have done is a polar  alignment  using plate solving in this programme.Then I normally switch it off and go to PhD and then Artemis.


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12 hours ago, Craig123 said:

getting in a muddle outside

Hi. Phew, that's a lot of software. Of course, if you're already familiar with it, fine. Otherwise, you could perhaps simplify considerably cutting it down. The fewer variables you have out in the dark the better. Believe me!

APT will do the plate solve and take the photos.

PHD2 will do the guiding and polar alignment; either the SharpCap way -without having to use SharpCap- or via drift.

HTH and clear skies.

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10 hours ago, alacant said:

Hi. Phew, that's a lot of software. Of course, if you're already familiar with it, fine. Otherwise, you could perhaps simplify considerably cutting it down. The fewer variables you have out in the dark the better. Believe me!

APT will do the plate solve and take the photos.

PHD2 will do the guiding and polar alignment; either the SharpCap way -without having to use SharpCap- or via drift.

HTH and clear skies.

Hi Alacant

Yes, it doesn't quite feel right to heap so much in at this stage, i just hoped to add on things i need to the software i already (sort of) know how to use.I worked out  sharp cap with my finder guider Qhy5ii so presumably i can set up to plate solving with sharp cap combined with Astro tortilla for my imaging camera aswell and then start guiding with PHD but i think i will have to input the Atik camera as another profile  in sharpcap. Does that sound right?? Iam already getting a little confused about what is using what to work having downloaded a load of indexes for my Atik 314.


I downloaded APT and i will probably move to your suggestion when i know a bit more.I wasnt expecting such a big maze of software to negotiate.Thought i had done all the hard work :icon_biggrin:

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