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Ethos with Paracorr 1??


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Hi Folks 

In an effort to stave off the financial ruin of switched to binoviewing, I'm considering a move from a Delos / Panoptic based collection to an Ethos based effort (probably just the 21 & 13 Ethos, maintaining the 8 & 6 mm Delos for now). This should kill all thoughts of binoviewers.

I have a creaky MK 1 Paracorr to kill the seagulls. But, I half remember reading that the Mk 1 isn't great with Ethos eyepieces. Do I need to invest in a Mk2???

Thanks in advance 


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I used to use one with the 2" extension converter (actually just a 28mm baader fine tuning ring) and it worked pretty well. There is also a Mk1 mk2 which is black and has two button clamps which seriously benefit the rigidity. I have one of those now but no Ethoi!

Image result for televue paracorr mk1

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I had 6 of my Ethos'ssss when I first got a Paracorr from the previous poster, Shane. Whilst it is not as good as the Mk2 I now have I was able to review the two side by side before I moved the first on on. My report is in the review section somewhere. I am going to say it anyway because I wrote it but it is worth a skip through. If you can't find it PM me and I will send it to you somehow,I still have it somewhere on the system.


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Thanks guys.

Alan - found the thread (link below). So, it looks like the Ethos can't quite get close enough to the top of the correction lense to get the full effect?? There doesn't seem much point in spending Ethos money, then paring them with a corrector that can only 'nearly' do the job. I might just stick with the excellent Delos(s) now that I have finally got them parfocal. Just clamp the aged Paracorr in possition and don't touch it again! With the Ethos, they would use different settings from the Delos, so would be a faff to change every time I changed an eyepiece.





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