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M33 1st Ever go.

Stu Wilson

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That's pretty good for 180sec subs on a DSLR.  It's a but blue and noisy, but the noise will reduce with more exposures and the blue can be sorted out in processing.

Stars are a bit elongated in the corners, I suspect spacing is wrong.  


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That's a great first attempt at M33 - lots of nebulosity detail captured. As you say, coma towards the corners as no corrector fitted. With only 5 darks image noise could be made worse. You could try stacking without the 5 darks to see what happens.

Flats are easy to take and will make a good difference to the final image. M33 is not a bright target and needs lots of exposure time in order to reduce noise. The background sky is a bit bright - making it darker will help reduce the apparent noise.

Guiding has worked very well.

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