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RGB Wizard. The impact of adding one Ha sub...


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A week or so a go, I tried to capture some Ha subs to add to an image of the Wizard I took in August. I planned on getting lots of 10 minute subs, but ended up with one 8 minute exposure as the clouds arrived and I abandoned the nights imaging.

I thought I would have a go adding my one sub to the original image (22 X 5min, iso 1600, UHC filter) and used this method of adding the sub (after a little stretching and sharpening) to the image.


This is what I ended up with. I pushed the processing more than the original and although the image is noisy (nothing new there) the change is pretty remarkable considering I added just one 8 minute sub.


For comparison, this is the original Image posted in August. I will hopefully be able to get some more Ha soon to see what that does to it. The original image was taken in 94% moon, as was the Ha sub, so its surprising to me what can be captured when the pesky moon is up. 





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