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Embarrassing iphone question


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Apologies in advance for the question and I'm not sure if it belongs in the imaging section.

I just thought I'd take a quick snap of the moon with my daughter's iphone up against my 32mm eyepiece. I didn't manage it because although it wasn't dark yet, the moon shone too much. Is there an easy way to snap the moon?:hiding:

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I have the iP6s and for me, its just about finding the exact location to hold the phone.
The image is bright and blurry at first, until image lock and focus has been achieved, but I can normally get an image. 
You could as Marci suggests, play around with the settings.

Photographing the Moon through thin cloud can help reduce the brightness as does leaving my telescopes aperture cap in place, only removing the 2" filter cap. Some folk have even adaptors to hold their phones in the right position over the eyepiece of the telescope, reduces hand shake, but at high telescope magnifications, the Moon could still cause motion blur.
Also a larger eye glass on the telescopes eyepiece  helps  me when aligning the mobile camera to the image.

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Nothing embarrassing about that question, we all do it. Plenty of light hearted advice on this thread.

Couple of quick suggestions. Don't hold the phone right up against the eyepiece. The image will be where you would normally place your eye, and with a 32mm that is often a little way back (called eye relief)

If you wear glasses, wear these when you focus as that will give you the correct focus for the camera.

I use an app called ProCam 4 which is excellent for controlling shutter speed, exposure and focus but you should still have good success with the standard app.

Lastly, take plenty of shots and expect to get a few good ones :) 

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You can make an eyepiece phone mount with a jubilee clip, 2 screws, a piece of wood & 2 elastic bands.... dramatically simplifies proceedings.

I also have versions made from lego and meccano.


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