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Checkout Cassini on SkySafari


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3 hours ago, Droogie 2001 said:

Very cool. I didnt realise you could track Cassini. I have SF5 Pro and it works with that too. 

Yes, this was with SkySafari 5 Pro. Not sure if it is available on the other versions but worth checking. 

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12 minutes ago, Paul M said:

But anyway, I'm concerned about Cassini. Does it use SatNav? I mean look at that loop on August 27th. Missed Saturn by a million miles.... :evil4::evil6:

Clearly it does Paul and was told to 'make a U-Turn as soon as possible' ;)

It is quite interesting to run through it as an animation as you then see Saturn's path alongside that of Cassini.

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Right, I'm having fun with Cassini and SkySafari.

I've got it in orbit mode and time stepping at 10min interval per frame which produces a very nice animation of the close encounters and ultimate plunge. Unfortunately it doesn't look like there is anyway to generate a video file for sharing.

Some of the PC based packages I've had over the years did allow that. 

Edit: here's a pretty screen shot of Cassini silhouetted against Saturn's rings. Ignoring the ultimate fate, what a journey that would be for a passenger!


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