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Strange Imaging artefacts during Solar Eclipse


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Travelled out to near Teton National Park in the States to catch the eclipse with my Celestron C90 Mak, Baader solar film filter,  0.5X reducer and a Canon 600D.....

Wanted to experience the eclipse ambience and not be caught up in too much twiddling of dials and so set the camera to take shots on auto-exposure and stood back.

As you can see things started to get a bit  optically strange as the the crescent Sun became more pronounced.  On reflection  :)  It may have been the way the camera was metering the frame and it over exposed the solar slice... ??   Oh well.... reminds me of the Hyperspace sequence in Kubrick's 2001 !!


The Diamond Ring came out 'unusual' as well.





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Wow! The artifacts add a mystique of their own. I had to do some fumbling to get the exposure right on my pictures before the event was over. I was manning three cameras at the time: one attached to my scope, one hand-held and a camcorder - *whew*. Then, I had to remember during totality to take a moment to take off my glasses and look up, lol! Nice shooting :icon_biggrin:


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After the cloud-fest that was the 1999 eclipse, I was so glad to have blue sky and a good altitude on the Sun.    It is such an extreme event that there is no way to actual prepare for it, hence I was fearful of messing up in the two minutes of totality and so let the camera work out the exposure.  I could have tried to correct it but it usually takes me about an hour to work out what's going on with optical paths.... and things all happened a bit quickly at 95% coverage.

I did remember to take the filter off  :happy11: which I have since read that some imagers forgot to do in all the excitement.  Overall it was a sensational piece of drama and well worth the effort to get the gear out to the States.

It's all a bit addictive, and have got my eye on where the next ones are occuring til 2030 !!.....

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