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the big bang (sorry)

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3 hours ago, SilverAstro said:

That one appears to be talking about when the first stars lit up, which is a long time after when the Universe became transparent, when the CMB was created. If it is the one I remember it also contains some fantastical creation myths.

It addresses the epoc in the evolution of the universe where matter through light elements to the heavier elements were made and yes by necessity that of course concerns stellar evolution. The reference to creation myths is nothing more than scene setting. I think the idea the producer is getting across is that our interest in the birth of the universe is well, "universal" across our own evolution. :) 


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That was excellent, but I see what some mean...the infant stars in his hand a la some Sistine Chapel derivative, that last song...and I think Fred Hoyle was not wrong to at least recognize our cultural/biblical biases. One of my earliest memories was wondering what happened at the edge of space, and I couldn't stop that wall there at the edge from continuing on. Fortunately, an expanding universe relieves me from having to decide whether it's finite or infinite.

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