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The reason why I love our Sun

At dusk

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I think that watching the Sun is the most gratifying astronomical expirience. And the main reason is because it evolves and changes so fast that it can surprise us at any time.

Yesterday I had the intention to take a picture of the new AR 12671. I'm really clumsy and I damaged my QHY 5 LII while cleanig it. I wanted at the same time asset how bad was the damage. As soon as I focused the sun, I could see that there was an amazing prom. This is an image with my severely damaged QHY.


Then, I decided to try my new ASI1600 to replace the qhy. It was the first time I used it so I was a bit lost in settings and parameters. Suddenly I saw a huge brightening over the AR. It was an Ellermann Bomb bursting "in my face". It was 08:54 U.T. and lasted for ten minutos. This is an unprocessed raw image of the phenomenon


And this is the whole disk


Several ours later I imaged the Sun again to see how it had changed. The big prom and whole solar disc



There´s nothing in our skies that changes so fast and can surprise us at any time. Besides, you don't have to fight against light pollution or clouds. I really like our neighbour star

Thanks for Reading, Rafa


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47 minutes ago, At dusk said:

I think that watching the Sun is the most gratifying astronomical expirience. And the main
reason  is because it evolves and changes so fast that it can surprise us at any time.

Absolutely! Sometimes both a virtue and a curse. lol. OK, my missing 
the "Big Prom" (too lazy) could be a reason for slight sour grapes? :p

More seriously, I might take a modest "time out" to FIX some of the
hardware issues I have (I do empathise!). But Solar Observing has a
certain *momentum* which can be hard to resist... :D

P.S. Great Images! :)

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