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A 10mm EP with a x2 barlow will give a magnification of x400 which wont give good viewing in anything other that freaky good seeing. Wouldn't a 15mm withx 2 barlow be a better bet. My 15mm EP with x2 barlow works great for high power views. The 10mm ep on its own is brill.

Scopes'n'skies do a very good EP set. Superb value for money and will definitely have you sorted



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I agree with the advice on the barlow - a good barlow is a great investment - after trying several I have settled on a Celestron Ultima 2x which works well for me in my Nexstar 5.


North Somerset

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If you get a cheap Barlow then you are affecting all the EP's you use it with. A good barlow is about £50, a "dodgy" one is about £30. Better to skimp on one of the EP's and get a better one later IMHO.

The Ultimas/Shorty pluses (same barlow just badged differently) will last a lifetime and not compromise the eyepieces you use with it.

"Here lies the road to financial ruin Martin :laugh: :lol:"

Can't dispute that mate!! :laugh:

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The barlow is included with the pack anyway so you're hardly paying anything for it. If you are getting a lot of chromatic aberration or poor quality views you could then invest in a better barlow. A better barlow will be worthwhile if you start imaging with a Toucam. The Antares EPs will do a good job for you Martin. You can then compare more expensive EPs at leisure to decide if and when it is worth upgrading. Typical premium quality EPs start at £50+ and go up to £££s.

Martin :laugh:

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