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Using my new UHC filter with the Heritage 130P


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I recently bought an Astronomik UHC-E filter from the very pleasant and helpful Simon at the Widescreen centre. I was a little concerned about whether this was better than a full fat UHC filter but Simon suggesed this might be a good starting point for the smaller scopes in my arsenal (it provides a brighter image) and last night I had a chance to try it with my newly acquired Heritage 130P.

Whilst I waited for the moon to disappear I was delighted to see that I had caught the lunar X and V, only visible for 4 hours every month or so. I took a quick snap for posterity and have shared it in a separate post . This scope seems to like coincidences, last time out I was observing M13 and the ISS went accross the field of view! What are the chances of that happening!?

So it eventually got dark and I had a chance to play with the filter on some objects, using a magnification of x30 for the larger objects and x65 for the smaller.....

  • Veil Nebula - th filter made a very big difference, making the eastern veil much brighter and better defined, and making the 'witch's broom' of the western veil visible, whereas it was invisible without the filter. In fact when my wife turned the kitchedn light on and ruined my dark adaption, I could still just about see the eastern veil! 
  • North America - once I worked out how large this nebula was in the FOV, it was easy to make out the large smoky shape, especially the mexico region with one edge much brighter than the other. Again this nebula was invisible without the UHC-E and thanks to this filter, this is my first visual sighting of this object. 
  • Crescent nebula  - perhaps I was over ambitious but I failed to track down this nebula with the filter. 
  • Ring Nebula - perhaps a little easier to see central part milkiness but not a huge difference.
  • Dumbell - no real difference discernable
  • Blue snowball - no real difference discernable
  • Pacman - visible as an irregular oval shape, but invisible without filter. Again my first sighting if this object thanks to the filter.

In summary I think this filter  was a very good buy. Anything which allows me to see previously invisible objects has to be a good thing!

Apparently the filter is not so good for scopes of 8" and beyond where a full UHC is required, but it will be interesting to have a go with the 72mm frac and UHC-E and browse the milky way for emission nebulae. 

Looking forward to the next time out with the UHC -E!

PS: sorry about the grey text, I cannot get rid if it!

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Nice report Rob :icon_biggrin:

I'm a little surprised that you did not see much difference in M27 - the Dumbell nebula. I find that a UHC makes quite a lot of difference to that one even with my smaller scopes.

I find "full blown" UHC and O-III filters (DGM NBP and Lumicon) work really well with my smaller scopes as well as my 12" dob so don't be afraid to try other filters as well :icon_biggrin:

I'm pleased that you are seeing some benefits from your UHC-E :icon_biggrin:

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Thanks John! I'll try the Dumbell again, perhaps some different magnifications next time, or the smaller scope. It was a bit if a whistle stop tour, but I guess Is it possible the UHC-E isn't so good as the UHC on certain objects? I haven't been able to find any reviews of it so difficult to know.

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Very nice report Rob. I just love my Heritage 130P which is so easy to set up. There has been many occasions when I can't be bothered to set up the 12" Dob or the Orion VX8 and just use the Heritage.

I have used an Astronomik O-III and a Lumicon UHC quite successfully on the Heritage 130P looking at the same objects as yourself. For wide objects I use my ES68 24mm EP which gives a 2.5 degree FOV. It would be interesting to see the difference  between the UHC-E filter and the usual UHC.

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