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The sky this week


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Bono estente :laughing3: :laughing3: Err,its a bit chillio but at least its pretty dry and as i said previously(you aint seen me right?)and not to highlight the fact or anything like that but there's been a lot of clear nights lately.(suits me sir)

The weather really is screwed up,its been one of our coldest summers with a handfull of days where the temp actually got over 20C,(which was nice)most of the time it struggled to get above 15C.

Surely after all the rain and bad weather you've had then there must be some long clear spells ahead,just wait till next month and i'll be the one cursin (oh buugger)the rain and you guys "dan saff"(or doon sooth as we say up here)will be basking under starry skies.(aren't stars brilliant) :sleepy1: :sleepy2: :sleepy3: or was it all a dream(A fe fe fe fe Bhoutros Bhoutros Ghali)

Sorry for the fast show quotes,just havin a laugh (i was terribly terribly drunk at the time) :clouds2:

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I understand that "the sky this week" isn't the best title for this FREE download. I have been under severe cloud for weeks now. But you are all a load of plon***s.

Take the link, give it a try.


Those on the Cloudy Nights forum were far more appreciative of the link.

Please don't hijack this post.


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Well this "PLONKER" apologises for "hijacking" your thread.

I was just having a laugh,thats all,not like i was calling people plonkers or anything like that. :nono:

A plonker is a slang term for someone with little or no knowledge,somewhat derogatory dont you think?

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Now now chaps!!!

Don't lets all get above our selves here.....

This is not the place to be calling anyone names, nor the place to be escalating things out of all proportion...

Please If i have to elaborate or deal with any more of this i will look upon it as baiting........ Not recommended!!!!!

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