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BAA Exhibition 24/06/2017


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I thought this Email may be of Interest to some members, possibly those who reside in or near The Scottish Capital City.
Not sure how widespread this Information has reached, hence the Heads Up here  on SGL.

To astronomical societies in Scotland and the north of England ...

I would like to draw your attention to the forthcoming Exhibition of the British Astronomical Association, which will take place at the National Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh, on Saturday, 24 June. This event is open to everyone, free of charge. For further details see the Exhibition website: "


Lorraine Crook
Exhibition Organiser.


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I believe I mentioned this on an unrelated thread. Ken Kennedy will be there as director of NLC.  Ken is one of our Society's most respected members having joined the DAS some 50 years ago and is now an honorary member.  I will be there and will probably be wearing my DAS committee badge and will be happy to meet anyone from SGL too.  If I miss you just mention me to Ken.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a very nice time at the exhibition Jeremy. Enjoyed the talks and got lots of useful information from the sections. Sorry I did not have a chance to introduce myself to you. I left myself short of time to catch a train. Thanks to all at the BAA for putting on a great day.

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