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DSI vs Toucam

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The DSI is directly supported by programmes such as PhD Guiding and MaximDL. It is a much more functional imaging platform for DSO's when compared to a modded webcam, but gets beaten hands down on planetary as it is essentially a 'stills' imager.

Although often berated, the DSI comes with some quite sophisticated software, does dark subtractions on the fly and can handle de-rotation of images. The DSI II and subsequently the DSI III have a greater pixel count than the previous version. The Pro versions come with a strange LRGB filter change system, but it seems to work.

I guess it all boils dow to what the majority of you imaging is going to be, if its DSO's I would go for the DSI, if its planetary, how about one of the 1/4" DMK cameras.


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I have both but since getting the DSI I have never use the ToUCam. The DSI is 12bit images as opposed to 8bit of the ToUCam. I also use it to guide with no problems.

I have also taken a couple of planetry images by the usual rack and stack method and I was quite impressed to be honest! For the money I would say it;s a great little performer :)

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