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DIY star party preperation.


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I was aware last year the the laptop screen was a little bright - but I had nothing to sheild it with, so hid it behind the tent out of view of the others.

This year I'm doing things properly...

So following my own advice from the 10 inexpensive things thread


I bought a sheet of the "Lee 106 - Primary Red (1.22m x 0.53m sheet)" it cost just over £4 and postage and VAT brings it up to about £7.50.


I have made a laptop screen and still have shed loads left. I will be making an octagonal sheild for the lantern that we have, but they'll still be loads left.

Well worth the money and a bit of time, this shield (not the most glamerous looking sheild) took about 30 minutes to make. The only tools needed was a sharp knife.

I made it a little larger than needed as not all laptop screens are the same size.

First image is the screen as normal, then the screen with sheild in place - this does make a massive difference, but you can still read the screen no problems. The third image just shows the sheid.


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