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Venus and Lunar 7 03 2017 - Struggled today!

Alan White

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Have been working from home today.
I got a grab between clouds in the afternoon at good old solar - no notable activity in white light.
Early evening a hole in the cloud to view Venus in its late crescent phase.  
All in all a grabbed session from desperation of no sky time!
Seeing average and clouds all over the place.

I struggled with my sketches as well and have made a bit of a poor effort on my Lunar mini sketch. 
Practice, Practice needed. 
What the heck, I thoroughly enjoyed myself today.


This astronomy hobby can be hard work and yet such an enjoyable thing at the same time.

All viewed with Vixen SLV 10mm and 6mm.
Baader Classic Ortho 6mm.
Televue 20mm Plossl and with 2x Tal Barlow.


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