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First session in 3 months!!!

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As the title suggests it's been a while for the the combination on cloud and work commitments and possibly a hint of bad luck all meant I've not been observing the cosmos as much as I would like recently.

Anyway last night there was a very slight break in the cloud and the moon was winking at me, so I quickly setup my scope and got my new equipment setup.

My Canon 1300D DSLR was attatched no to mention my Skysync GPS which connected but didn't use as it was only a moon observational session.

It was stunning to observe the moon again her craters seemed to jump out of the camera and the terminator was particularly prominent.

I managed to get a few pics which are worth posting.

I can't wait to get out again and view Saturn and Jupiter clouds ☁️ permitting ?

Clear sky's  ??✨☄️






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24 minutes ago, Stu said:

Always good to get back in the saddle after a while away. Nice pics!

Cheers stu, it certainly is good I was hoping for a much longer session a bit of observing and sketches but with the cloud it just wasn't possible to even get an alignment.

At least I got try my new toys and Wednesday is looking promising ?


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Nice catch Richard, i noticed it was clear on my way home from work, with the moon already visible. No chance to set up though as I had prior arrangements, and it was cloudy (and raining!) AGAIN, by the time I got home. Next new moon, it's going to be glorious :)


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It was a risky session to be truthful but I couldn't resist and thought screw it ?

Fingers crossed Lee I think I'm off that weekend I will work it out later.

I have to be honest I did miss the simplicity of sketching and purely observing but it was good to get some images ?


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2 hours ago, alan potts said:

Nice report, I have only had two sessions this year which is very rare out here, the snow stopped me for a long time and since it has melted the clouds have had their say.


We're certainly going through another bad patch, winter wasn't the best either.

only had a few sessions but that was because of bad luck as well.


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