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Jupiter at three different focal lengths


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These were taken on the morning of February 16th with Altair GPCAM and Skywatcher 200p on a AstroEQ driven EQ5 mount.

1000mm focal Length (No barlow).  Io shadow transit visible. Taken at 4:07am:


2000mm focal length (Astro Engineering AC333 Barlow). The moons from left to right are Ganymede, Callisto and Europa.

A similar image has been put up in another thread. I've included it here to compare against the other two images, and it's also been reprocessed.

Taken at 5:35am:


5000mm focal length ( Revelation Astro 5x Barlow). Unfortunately shows some sharpening artifacts due to debris on the lens, but it's still my best effort at this focal length.

Callisto and Io shadow transit visible in this one. Taken at 4.31am:


All the images were taken with Sharpcap and processed with PIPP, Autostakkert, Registax and Gimp. All JPG on the forum but I do have them as TIFF. Quite a satisfying conclusion to a night of cloud dodging! Constructive criticism welcome.

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