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anyone use the moonlight high resolution stepper motor ?

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Looking for reviews by anyone that uses the moonlight high resolution stepper motor with mini v2 controller, there seems to be two ascom compatible stepper motor focusers I'm interested in the other being the lakeside motor, I've had a few reviews on the lakeside, some saying software can be tempremental but I can't find any reviews on the moonlight version, buying the moonlight one does mean that I would upgrade the focuser also to a moonlight cf.

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I use a Lakeside system with a moonlight focuser on my CPC1100.  I have a second stepper motor on my Tak106ED, and when I change scopes I use the same Lakeside system, just plugged into the appropriate stepper motor.  I should say that re-calibration of the focuser total movement is necessary when I change scopes, but otherwise it works a treat.


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17 minutes ago, red dwalf said:

Would be a nice idea if the calibration settings could be saved and just loaded up when you change scopes.

I think the draw tube depends on the type of OTA.  My refractor one (cf) is much longer than my SCT, which has the draw tube housing the FF in the end of it.  

I actually use the focus module in SGP and I believe the settings can be saved for each of your profiles.

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1 hour ago, red dwalf said:

Would be a nice idea if the calibration settings could be saved and just loaded up when you change scopes.

The fact is that by motoring the focuser to a mid-position (say 2000 for me), and always using this position before changing scopes, then it isn't necessary to recalibrate.  However, the reality is that I always forget to do this, and hence have to recalibrate........


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