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Free telescope! (Sort of)


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Just had a skywatcher 150mm newt and EQ3-2 dropped off. Currently on loan until I've finished with it (indefinitely). Nice cheap way of making sure I can get into it without spending too much. It's got no EP's so I have just bought a couple of stock ones off eBay for now. 

It needs a good clean, although the mirrors are dust free and it will almost certainly will need collimating. 

I will bow to your greater knowledge when you say the EQ3 isn't sturdy enough, the thing weighs far more than I expected and would otherwise be hard to believe it isn't a rock!

looking forward to getting some EP's and some clear skies soon!


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Nice, it looks like you have the 2" adaptor in the focuser so be sure to remove that before you fit the 1.25" adaptor or you won't get focus.

Hope you get some clear skies to try it out with.

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Nice scope !

The mount is up to the job for visual use but the tripod is a bit pushed. Keep it at it's shorter heights and it will be more stable. You can get the steel tubed tripods for not a lot on the used maket which are much more stable.

As Dan says, replace the 2" adapter currently in the focuser with the 1.25" one before use.

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Years ago several astronomical organizations offered scopes on permanent loan, providing they were kept in reasonably regular use. The BAA did so and may still do, but I'm not sure. The AAVSO loaned Leslie Peltier a 6" F8 refractor, with which he discovered several comets and made thousands of variable star estimates. He kept that scope in use throughout his life, showing a 6" telescope to be a very serious piece of kit.

I hope you thoroughly enjoy yours! :icon_biggrin:


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