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Amigaman returns!


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:thumbright: Just to say hi and thanks to all the people who took time out to give their thoughts on a good choice for a telescope for a newbie. All feedback was very useful and all have been taken on board but my decision for those still interested was martinb's suggestion of the NS8 GPS. It arrived this morning but without three mounting bolts! I have been assured though they will be sent out ASAP.

I'll just mention that I have just returned from holiday on the Isle of Wight, armed with a pair of binoculars.Unfortunatley the caravan park I was staying in had pretty good lighting but I eventually managed to find a dark corner to take in the stars. After a few minutes I heard a voice from the caravan I was standing next to say, "Hey, there's a strange man outside with a pair of binoculars." I quickly exited before I got a bad rep. I never thought stargazing would be so embarassing. Still,it was a great holiday and spent the next nights by my caravan to save my blushes. :oops:

I've got some more questions, but I'll post those in the appropriate section. Anybody who can help, thanks in advance. :hello2:

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oooh handbags - NOW your talking. :hello2::clouds1::lol: :lol:

Asto Babe, don't go there! I always get lumbered, holding my wifes handbag when she want's to try clothes on when out shopping. It makes me feel a right prat. The only good thing a womans handbag is good for, is carrying stuff when your pockets are full!


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Hi Phil, great news about the scope. Mine (C8 SGT) is arriving on Friday and I'm busting a gut to start fiddling.

Pleased I'm not the only one who lurks in dark corners of caravan parks :? .

Hope you and the girls have a lifetime of fun with the NS8 - I hear it is THE best back garden scope there is.


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Thanks everyone.

Steve, can you explain what you have got going on with your scope? I presume you are doing some sort of astro imaging, something I might be interested in in the future. Any reccomendations on getting the most out of my new scope?



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i`ll tell you what each bit is doing, but the important bit is to get out under the stars and get used to the scope and enjoy the views it will give you. Ignore the astrophotography stuff right now.... yes, yes, thats kind of hard :hello2:

The NS8GPS is mounted on a wedge (allows the scope to be polar aligned, rather than AltAz). There is a William Optics 66 attached to the top with a Meade DSI-C in it for autoguiding. The C8 has my trusty QHY8 in the back, and counterweight under the tube to balance it all. The dew controller keeping the optics on the C8/WO66 and the telrad all dew free.

And this was before I added the Hyperstar and the electronic focuser...

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Thanks again Steve. It's certainly a very impressive set up (looks like the Borg have assimilated it!)

Certainly astrophotograpy is for the future, I was just intrigued as to the equipment you were using. An easier question: how useful is the NS8 for astrophotography? I was more under the impression that a reflector set-up would have been a more appropriate set-up, even though I'm more than aware of the impressive performance of the NS8.

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I got the NS8GPS as a very special deal, and just got on with it almost immediately. It does what I ask of it, has never let me down, and wouldnt dream of getting rid of it. A slightly "faster" scope would have been better to start with, the f/10 optics does make it a little difficult to grab those photons, but the use of a focal reducer makes that a little easier.

The mount is fine, the gears and clutches being slightly better than the more modern CPC units. The GOTOs are almost always spot on (get an illuminated crosshair eyepiece for use during alignment, it will make your GOTOs far better).

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Thanks for the tip Steve, can I ask what the Fastar thing is all about? I thought that was needed in astrophotography. As you can see, I've been on a steep learning curve over the past month or so and although I'm a million miles away from understanding a lot of even the basics, I'm keen to make the best use of my new scope. Not just for now, but in the future.



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