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I have a meeting with someone that is selling his Skywatcher 120/1000 with HEQ5 PRO synscan mount tomorrow.

Now he told me already there is some minor scratch damage on the scope from hooking it up to the mount and that one of the plastic caps on the top of one of the screws is broken but there still is an iron base to use ofc.

He also said he never used his Synscan before and that he has this setup for 1 year and used it aprox 10 times.


Now next to looking for other damages and trying to get the synscan running (I would use a telephone charger connected to a car plug?) is there anything else my rookie-self should ask to minimize my risk of buying it?

Thx for the help!

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The onus should be on the seller to demonstrate the mount working properly before you buy it - or negotiate it down to a price at which you accept the risk of it not working and buy it on the basis "sold as seen" without testing first. If you plug anything into it before it becomes yours then he may expect you to assume responsibility for any damage that ensues.

If he doesn't want to demonstrate it - then you could suggest that he buys an appropriate power supply and connecting cable that you will pay for. Then he can demo it - if it works you buy the scope - if it doesn't then you don't buy it - but make it a condition that he gives you the power supply and lead that you paid for, whatever happens (you'll need one anyway for when you eventually get a working mount).

The HEQ5 takes 12V dc - a 17ah battery pack with a ciggy socket will drive it. The cable needs a ciggy plug at one end and a "tip positive" jack of the appropriate size at the mount end. I'm just not sure of the jack size - you might find it in an online manual.

Of course I'm just offering advice and making suggestions and accept no responsibility for any part of the testing or transaction. Hope that helps and good luck :)


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Excellent! Glad it all worked - you've got a nice set up there and sounds like it hasn't been used a lot and it's in good nick.

Now comes the hard bit - learning how to use it - we're here to help with the questions you're bound to have coming up. :)

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Thanks guys. I am sure I will need your help setting it up but im looking forward to finally getting there and enjoying this nice piece of equipment!

I did not expect it to be so fitting in our interior and neither did the misses :)

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