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Lunar X ........Finally got It.


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Yes, I finally got a clear night for this event. I've wanted to catch the Lunar X for a long time since it's somewhat scarce. I took a few avi's with the ToUcam through my ED80...no tracking used...just on the alt/az mount. That is why it's not as sharp of focus as might be done.

Below is a description I copied for a Blog on the Lunar X phenomenon...

Doug Neal

"As the terminator slowly moves over the crater Werner, light from the lunar sunrise begins to illuminate some of the higher lunar topography in the region located between craters La Caille, Purbach, and Blanchinus. From our vantage point on Earth, the resemblance of an illuminated letter "X" shape is eventually formed from the sunlight striking specific crater walls, ridges and common topography shared between the craters; and stands out in obvious contrast to the dark side of the terminator. This interesting lunar event, or should I say optical event, lasts for about three hours before light from the lunar sunrise totally surrounds the area. With the lower topography of the area fully engulfed with light as well, the "X" on the Moon begins its transition back into "hiding" on the surface of the fully illuminated lunar landscape.

The "Lunar X," or "X on the Moon" as it is informally called, appears between craters Purbach, La Caille, and Blanchinus and occurs near first quarter moon phases (co-longitude of approximately 356.5-359). It is a challenge to observe it, as it cannot be seen every month from the same location on Earth. To observe the "X," the moon must be visible from your location at the event time, and it should be at least somewhat dark at your location for best contrast and overall visibility."

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