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I'm thinking about the network that I have for my caravan.  First some background info.

i recently decided to change my setup and stop perusing the "no laptop at scope" method.  So my perspective has completely altered.

ive not tested my current setup yet.  That is that I have a MIFI that I used last time I was in my van.


i want to use Remote Desktop to control my scope laptop, whilst sat in the warm of the caravan.   I have yet to do a range test of the MIFI, but I suspect the it's networking equipment is too weak to work reliably.  (I'm going to do an actual test before counting it out completely.

i don't want to setup an adhoc netwok, as that always seems to be like fighting an uphill battle.


so heres where the title comes in...


im wondering about getting a router that can run from 12v that I can install in the van.  That would be straight forward...   but I'd like to be able to access the internet with it, either by switching the sim from my MIFI, or by connecting the MIFI (by USB or wireless, either works for me)

this would then give me the option of the router wifi or using wired networking.


any recommendations for a suitable router?

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I agree...

Laptop in van <--> Network switch (https://www.amazon.co.uk/NETGEAR-GS105UK-Gigabit-Unmanaged-Ethernet/dp/B0000E5SEQ or similar) <--> Laptop outside.

As long as all devices are on the same subnet and the correct IP range (192.168.x.x or 10.0.x.x) you can mirror the outside laptop onto the inside one real time using VNC. https://www.realvnc.com/

All you need is 1 cat5e cable going out to the latop at the scope.

At home, I have a laptop outside on a docking station, with a connection to the house LAN.

I put a thick towel over the laptop outside to stop it getting dewed up (leaving the fan outlet open of course!) and this always works really well.

Once the session is finished, I just pick up the laptop and take it in, leaving everything else ready for next time.

There may be a small router out there with a usb socket for a sim adaptor, but I've never looked.

Rather than try that, just plug the usb sim adaptor into the laptop inside.

Another option is get a netgear wireless router instead of an unmanaged switch, and see if this can connect to you MIFI allowing other devices to connect via the LAN.

Have you looked into DD-WRT? http://www.dd-wrt.com/site/index

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I try to keep things as simple as possible, so I use my laptop or PC from inside the house by using an Icron Ranger. 
Everything , camera's; mount; filterwheel; focusser is connected through the Icron USB-Ethernet extender and is going inside through a Cat5 (6 or 7) cable : https://www.icronshop.com/icron-brand/icron-ranger-2304
Cheaper, faster and far more problem resistant then wifi or teamviewer or whatever with a second laptop, and... a 100 meter range.

I have a Transcend USB 3 12V 4-port hub as well as a home made power hub on the scope, so only 2 cables are going down from the mount.
I like to use the USB3 hub and USB3 cables where possible because of the better quality of materials being used in order to meet the faster transfer rates with USB3. (always downwards compatible with USB2)I am using this for years now without any issue.

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5 hours ago, Jonk said:


I agree...

Laptop in van <--> Network switch (http://www.newegg.com/global/nl/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833122128&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction-NLD&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-NLD-_-Network+-+Switches-_-Netgear+Inc.-_-33122128 or similar) <--> Laptop outside.

As long as all devices are on the same subnet and the correct IP range (192.168.x.x or 10.0.x.x) you can mirror the outside laptop onto the inside one real time using VNC. https://www.realvnc.com/

All you need is 1 cat5e cable going out to the latop at the scope.

At home, I have a laptop outside on a docking station, with a connection to the house LAN.

I put a thick towel over the laptop outside to stop it getting dewed up (leaving the fan outlet open of course!) and this always works really well.

Once the session is finished, I just pick up the laptop and take it in, leaving everything else ready for next time.

There may be a small router out there with a usb socket for a sim adaptor, but I've never looked.

Rather than try that, just plug the usb sim adaptor into the laptop inside.


A wired only switch won't cut it for me, as my MIFI does not have any wired cat 5 connectability.

I've thought about open DD-WRT, but would much prefer to get something that will work straight out of the box.  Either providing all the features including the 3g/4g connection - if I move the sim case from my MIFI, or by connecting to the MIFI wireless or via cables.

The plan is that whatever solution I end up doing, everything will end up on the same sub-net, so that won't be an issue.

As for making a power cable and running straight off 12v, that's straight forward enough.   But, I want to build the network around the right kit in the first place rather than having to keep tinkering with it.


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