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Auriga for a bit.


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I acquired tripod extension after making one so wanted give it a try, set up just after 10pm looking forward to nights viewing cloud stopped that about 12.30 but before tried some doubles  and a couple of nice objects.

First E796 (0584.8) first saw this in 15mm but could not see split had to use 5mm 200x but then nice Lemon with blue/white companion.

nu Auriga (0585.02) went down to 5mm 200x orange/red with white companion.

E 811 (0585.56) 5mm again get separation had to look for a while  really white  with shimmering companion.

Theta Auriga (0586.36) this was really tight had to barlow 8mm 250x to split this white with slightly purple companion.

41 Auriga  (0409.24) 15mm 66x yellow/orange twins really nice.

E872 (0589.04) 5mm 200x twin white stars had to slightly defocus get them though.

56 Auriga (0413.30) 15mm 66x easy separation yellow bright white pair.

E1086 (0417.94) 8mm 125x orange/red with tiny companion.

Omega Auriga (0575.48) 5m 200x tight double yellow with blue/white companion.

At this point saw some clouds coming so just got a couple of quick objects

NGC 2281 nice cluster maybe 20/30 stars here I saw like a Y next to parallelogram with stars all around.

NGC 1931 could only see a fuzzy patch here.

IC 405 could see red/orange like defocused star but not much else.

IC 2149 started with 15mm but then swapped to 8mm with UHC filter nice central star with averted vision red nebulosity comes out very nice.

Cloud thickening now so one last object had to be M42  why it was high in sky even at 5mm here could only see 4 in the trapezium loads of nebulosity though and that was it, great to split some nice doubles this Tal 100rs is really good at showing colours.

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