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Double Cluster 50mm

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Had a forecast for a couple of hours of clear sky so grabbed my camera and nano-tracker and headed up to the darkest place in Bristol I could think of... Clifton Downs. Still, could only get 35 seconds at 50mm f2.8 iso 400 before it was starting to overexpose, still a lot of LP around.  Star shapes in the corners are horrible so should have shot at F4 at least I think.

This is my first go at wide field (other than one shot I posted ages ago that was just full of bad pixels rather than stars!)

What stands out is the double cluster, but there is also the faintest smidgeon of the soul nebula (I can just about see it on my monitor).  No idea how to bring this out more with processing, or even if it's possible without more data. This has just had some curves and levels with a little noise reduction in PS.

I did take ten exposures and have tried staking in DSS but it just doesn't look right, comes out of DSS almost completely white!

Canon 700D Baader modded. 50mm F1.8 STM @ f2.8. ISO400. Single 35 sec sub.

Double cluster-50mm f2.8 35s iso400.jpg

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